Executive Summary:
All Hindus are being robbed by Congress Party & its political UPA allies: at least 15% of promotional avenues, 15% of educational seats, 15% of employment i.e. new jobs & 15% of economic opportunities.
Harm to careers of all Hindu civil servants
Shrinkage in numbers of educational seats for all Hindu candidates
Merits of all Hindus, students & candidates ignored
SC, ST and OBC Hindus denied their Constitutional rights
Student loans to Hindu students at higher interest rates
Commercial loans to Hindu businessmen at higher interest rates
Hindus not eligible for many posts
All Rural Hindus disadvantaged in employment market
Communal Departmental Promotion Committees
Postings too on communal considerations
Sachar Committee & Misra Commission both report that Muslims have higher literacy rate than Hindus in 11 States, and; Christians have higher literacy rate than Hindus in all States. But still Congress Party & jaichandi Hindus keep telling lies that Muslims & Christians are educationally backward so deserve reservations. O Hindus wake up! Wake up before being robbed!!
Under no circumstances a Hindu shall ever be treated less favourably than any religious minority and all laws which stipulate less favourable treatment to Hindus shall be repealed through ballot boxes
All Hindus are being robbed by Congress Party & its political allies: at least 15% of Promotional avenues, 15% of Educational seats, 15% of Employment i.e. new job offers and 15% of Economic [PE-3] opportunities.
This paper lists some discriminations which have been imposed on Hindu Youth by political parties by deceiving their Hindu voters. This author does not oppose reservation for SC Hindus, ST Hindus and OBC Hindus rather he pleads for its expansion & strengthening by uniform implementation in each and every institution all over India.
As we will see Hindu parents whether educated or illiterate have failed in their duties to protect future of their own children either by abstaining from voting or voting to such political parties which are tilting laws bit by bit against their children. Hindu civil servants too have not been able to protect their own careers.
2. It is painful to see how some Hindu politicians who present themselves as ‘secular, progressive and liberal’ right from the days of the 1916 Congress- Muslim League Lucknow Pact till date in form of the Sachar Committee Report, Rangnath Misra Commission, the 15 Point Prime Minister programme etc have been systematically cheating their all Hindu voters by concocting justifications to reduce, bit by bit, promotional, educational, employment and economic (PE-3) opportunities of all educated Hindus including SC, ST, OBC and leftist Hindus, pushing them de facto and de jure to second and third class status vis-à-vis religious minorities. Jobs of semi educated and landless Hindus like house maids, construction labours, security guards, riksha pullers etc are being snatched by by Congress Party and its UPA allies by promoting infiltration of Bangladeshi Muslims.
It is praiseworthy to note that all the ‘Minority’ leaders right from Mohammad Ali Jinnah, to Dr Man Mohan Singh, Mrs Sonia Gandhi (a Roman Catholic Christian), late YS Rajasekhar Reddy (a Christian), Abdul Rahman Antulay, Ahmad Patel, MAA Fatmi, Syed Shahabuddin, Salman Khurshid etc have been consistently using all their skills to increase number of minorities in schools, colleges and in government services. But it is a great betrayal of Hindus by Hindu parliamentarians that most of them [Hindu Parliamentarians] have been using their rich and varied skills to reduce percentage of Hindus in schools, colleges and in government jobs by cheating their Hindu voters or by keeping mum and cowardly silence.
So while minority leaders are helping minorities, majority of Hindu leaders are harming Hindus.
Salman Khurshid a Cabinet Minister for Law and Minority Affairs in the Man Mohan Singh Government was advocate of the Students Islamic Movement of India [SIMI] before a tribunal which was hearing the petition of SIMI challenging ban on SIMI imposed by the Vajpayee Government as a terrorist organisation. SIMI wants to convert India into an Islamic country. Indian Mujahideen which is involved in many terrorist acts in India is an off-shoot of SIMI. IM has been banned by the British government too.
3. Recommendations of the Sachar Committee and the Ranganath Misra Commission are on one hand based on total falsehood, and, on the other hand, are violative of Article 16(4) of the Constitution of India and aim at fulfilling the core agenda of the Congress Party to reduce percentage of all categories of Hindus in government jobs, educational institutions and in trade and commerce below 85 percent which at present are in range of 92 percent to 98 percent.
Rajinder Sachar is a retired Judge of the Delhi High Court and was a paid guest of Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai of the Kashmir American Council based in the USA. His family migrated to India from Pakistan. In July 2011 Fai was arrested by the US Police for illegally working in USA for Pakistan military intelligence [ISI]. The Kashmir American Council was financed by the military intelligence of Pakistan. Fai has been jailed .
4. Hindus were under represented in the Sachar Committee and in the Misra Commission so that data could be easily cooked and manipulated against Hindus. As representation of Hindus in these were below their demographic strength it is obvious that these entities lack democratic legitimacy and moral weight.
5. As per Hindustan Times of Dec. 24, 2008 the Parliament was informed that as a result of special efforts made by the UPA Government the share of minorities in central sector jobs increased from 6.9 percent in 2006-07 to 8.7 percent in 2007-08.
Minority’s representation increased from 7.6 percent in 2006-07 in the financial sector [Banks, FIs, RBI] to 10.2 percent in 2007-08; in the Armed Forces from 5.5 pc to 8.9 pc; and in the Railways from 2.7pc to 6.3pc during the same one year period.
In a full page advertisement in the Hindustan Times [February 18, 2010] the Ministry of Minority Affairs proudly claimed credit for increasing trend in recruitment of minorities in Government and public sector undertakings from 8.23% to 9.18% in 2008-09 as a result of the UPA guidelines.
Hindu’s presence in central sectors with special efforts of Congress Governments declined from 93.1% in 2006-07 to 91.3% in 2007-08 and further declined to 90.82% in 2008-09.
These reports prove that percentage of Hindus in job sector is declining as planned by Congress Party.
6. When I bring following facts to notice of Hindus most of them express shock on their being ignorant of these facts, and, blame media and Hindu politicians for this great betrayal. But in my humble opinion Hindu voters are themselves responsible for this plight of their own and of their children as many either abstain from voting or vote in favour of anti-Hindu parties.
7. First let us look at the harm which Congress Party and its UPA allies plan to inflict upon all serving Hindu civil servants and all those Hindus, leftists or Rightists who aspire for civil service careers.
Recommendation Para 16.2.16 of the Misra Commission reads: “Since the minorities – especially the Muslims – are very much under-represented, and sometimes wholly unrepresented, in government employment, we recommend that they should be regarded as backward in this respect within the meaning of that term as used in Article 16 (4) of the Constitution – notably without qualifying the word ‘backward’ with the words “socially and educationally” – and that 15 percent of posts in all cadres and grades under the Central and State Governments should be earmarked for them as follows:
(a) The break up within the recommended 15 percent shall be 10 percent for the Muslims and, the remaining 5 percent for the other minorities.
(b) Minor adjustment inter se can be made within the 15 percent earmarked seats. In the case of non-availability of Muslims to fill 10 percent earmarked seats, the remaining vacancies may be given to other minorities if their members are available over and above their share of 5 percent; but in no case shall any seat within the recommended 15 percent go to the majority community”.
Every Hindu, whether North Indian or South Indian should note this strong anti-Hindu nature of recommendation (b) that in no case any seat within 15% shall go to deserving Hindu candidate.
8. The Misra Commission and Sachar Committee have made false claims that Muslims are under-represented in services. Their argument is that Muslims are about 13 percent of population but in IAS etc their representation is about 4% so they are under- represented in services and need reservations.
9. Vide table 4.2 page 64 of Sachar report and its own table 3.6 Misra Commission reports that graduation percentage of Muslims is only 3.6 pc and as only graduates can aspire for higher public services, percentage of Muslims in services at 4% is fair and already more than commensurate to their graduation percentage. So claim of Muslims being under represented in civil services is false. Hindu officers, Hindu aspirants for civil services and Hindu students should note this basic fact.
10. The Constitution of India and the Supreme Court have laid down that “social and educational ” backwardness are essential to become eligible for getting reservation under Art 16(4).
But Muslims as a community enjoy better literacy rate than SC Hindus and ST Hindus on national level and better literacy rate than Hindus in 11 states [Para 12.3 of Misra and page 53 & appendix table 4.1 of Sachar] so they are not entitled for any reservation as they are not educationally backward.
That is why the Misra Commission has recommended throwing these constitutional requirements in dustbin to favour Muslims. Muslims cannot claim to be socially backwards as their ancestors ruled over India for many centuries. This is the second basic fact which pro-Muslim lobby hides.
Sachar Committee [page 53] also admits that in ten states literacy rate among Muslims are higher than the state average. In its appendix 4.1 table Sachar reports Hindus’ literacy rate: Jharkhand (54.6%), Karnataka (65.6%), Maharastra (76.3%), Andhra (59.4%), Gujarat (68.3%), Madhya Pradesh (62.8%), Tamilnadu (72%), Odisha (63.3%) and Chhattisgarh (63.9%). And Muslims’ literacy rate: Jharkhand (55.6%), Karnataka (70.1%), Maharastra (78.1%), Andhra (68%), Gujarat (73.5%), MP (70.3), Tamilnadu (82.9%), Odisha (71.3%) and Chhattisgarh (82.5%).
So when any Hindu politician speaks to justify any reservation for Muslims on ground of educational backwardness, Hindu voters should know that that Hindu politician is a jaichandi Hindu trying to harm careers of Hindu civil servants, Hindu boys & girls. Hindu voters must shout down such Jaichandi Hindu politicians by quoting above facts.
In eleven states, Muslim males have higher literacy rate than Hindu males. These states are Andhra Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Kerala, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Puducherry and Tamil Nadu.
In thirteen states, Muslim women enjoy higher literacy rate than Hindu women, these are Andhra Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar, Chhattisgarh, Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagarhaveli, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Puducherry and Tamil Nadu. [Statements 8a and 8b, Census Report 2001].
There are a number of other data which also do not justify any reservations for Muslims and these data are suppressed in Indian newspapers from Hindu masses such as:
[a] Workers participation rate for Muslim men is 47.5% against national average of 51.7%,so not much different from Hindus; [b] Economic Times reported [April 7, 2007] that on national level average annual household income of Hindus and Muslims are not much different, Rs 61423 for Hindus and Rs 58420 for Muslims; [c] The Indian Human Development survey shows that annual household income of Muslims is better than SC, ST and OBC Hindus who together constitute 70% of the Hindu samaj; [d] In education Christians have the highest literacy rate of 80.3%, Muslims [59.1%],SCs [54.7%] and STs [47.1%]; [e] At primary level Muslims have better enrolment rate [65.3%] than Hindus [54.91%];and, [f] infant mortality rate among Hindus is the worst at 77.1 followed by Muslims at 58.8and Christians top with IMR of 49.2.
According to Dr Pravin Togadia, President VHP, [Organiser, February 12, 2012] in the Indian Human development scenario [IHDS] the lowest annual household income was of tribals at Rs 20,000; scheduled castes household annual income at Rs 22800; OBC household annual income at Rs 26091; Muslim Household annual income at Rs 28500 and annual household income of Christians & other minorities very high at Rs 52 500. Still many Hindus keep telling lies that minorities were poorer than Hindus. The fact is that poorest Indians come from Hindu samaj.
11. According to the 2001 Census, the Sachar Committee and the Misra Commission [table 3.5, paras 12.3, 18.5 etc] Christians have higher literacy rate [80%] as compared to other religious minorities as well as the national literacy percentage of 65%.
Christians have higher literacy rate than all Hindus. Christians have higher per capita income too. So Christians too cannot claim to be backward in any sense. Thus, Christians no more qualify for any reservation.
The Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of Soosai vs Union of India (AIR 1986 SC 733) categorically held that SCs converted to Christianity cannot have SC status. As Rajiv Gandhi reversed Supreme Court judgment in Shah Bano case, Congress is trying to reverse above decision of Supreme Court through Misra Commission. Shri karia Munda Hon’ble Deputy Speaker Lok Sabha & MP informs that the Supreme Court has ruled that those STs who have left their traditional religion cannot be treated as scheduled tribe so are not eligible for reservations.
There are about one crore scheduled tribe persons in the North East states out of which about half are Christians and there are 130 IAS officers from these states out of which 103 are Christian. There are about 2.2 crore scheduled tribe persons in Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Jharkhand out of which about 8% are Christians; and, there are 17 ST IAS officers from these states out of which 8 are Christian. So ST Hindus are not fairly represented in services.
Shri Arif Mohammed Khan, a former Union Minister in the Rajiv Gandhi Government has pointed out that 10 Muslim communities are already part of the Scheduled Tribes and another 83 Muslim communities are included in the OBC list. “Together,” he maintains, “they constitute more than 70 per cent of total Muslim population leaving out only the Muslim creamy layer.” Similarly, a good chunk of Christians are already included in the Scheduled tribe and the OBC category.
Now Congress Party is conspiring to put entire Muslim community under OBC except ‘creamy layer.’
Rangnath Misra Commission has recommended that all Muslims living in areas populated by ST should be treated as ST for purposes of employment, education etc.
So, tribal Hindus would suffer further. So those tribal Hindus commit economic hara-kiri who give their votes to Congress Party or its allies.
12. All Hindus serving under the Central Government or any State Government including PSUs should take note that the Misra Commission has recommended reservation of 15 per cent of posts for religious minorities in all cadres and in all grades under the Central and the State Governments. Ten pc will be solely for Muslims and five pc for other minorities.
13. As per Hindustan Times Report Hindus still held 91.7% of jobs in the Central sector in 2007-08 but after the Misra commission report is implemented Hindu’s promotional avenues will get restricted to 85% of posts or even less so the pace of their promotions will get slowed further worsening stagnations. But minority officials who constituted only 8.3% in 2007-08 in civil services will fill up 15% of posts i.e. pace of their promotions will become much faster than those of batchmate Hindu officials.
It is said that Muslims are about 4 pc in services but 10 per cent jobs in all cadres and grades are proposed to be reserved for them by Congress Party. It means that Muslim officers will have much faster pace of promotions vis-à-vis Hindu officers and will also occupy senior positions for longer periods than Hindu officers. Even some Hindu officers may find their minority juniors becoming their bosses in the future.
‘Secular/jaichandi’ Hindus assert that there is higher unemployment among Muslims so giving reservations to Muslims in jobs is justified but this argument also turns out to be false in light of the National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) report of March 30, 2007 which shows that unemployment rate among Muslims and Hindus of both sexes in urban areas differs by just about 0.5 percent.
In urban Uttar Pradesh, the number of self-employed Muslims per thousand is more than Hindus, 393 Muslims are self-employed per 1000 against 386 Hindus per thousand.
In Uttar Pradesh population of Muslims is claimed to be 18% but in UP 35% of household industry workers were Muslims and 64% were Hindus; and in urban areas 57% of household industry workers were Muslims and only 42% were Hindus as per Table 4 of the Census Report 2001. So Muslims have disproportionately large share in this sector and are thus economically better placed than Hindus in this sector in UP but JAICHANDI Hindus hide this fact in order to rob Hindus of more jobs and PE-3 space.
14. Sachar Committee [page 52] reports that in 2001 national literacy rate of SC/ST was 52.2% and Muslims national literacy rate was 59.1%. Sachar committee report [page 53] admits that SCs/STs are still the least literate group both in rural and urban India.
Under para 16.3.5 the Misra Commission has recommended to confer scheduled caste status on what it calls as dalit Christians and dalit Muslims.
If Muslims and Christians are added into SC quota they would take lions share because they enjoy higher literacy rate further disadvantaging SC Hindu candidates.
Congress Party, Mulayam Singh’s Samajwadi Party, Mayawati ‘s Bahujan Samaj Party, Ram Vilash Paswan, Lalu Prasad Yadav, Communist parties etc. support inclusion of ‘dalit ‘muslims and ‘dalit’ Christians into SC category. SC Hindu voters must open their eyes and come forward to protect their own PE-3 space through ballot boxes.
In September 2011 Mayawati wrote to Prime Minister to amend Constitution to provide reservations to Muslims thus reduce employment opportunities of all Hindus. She wants all Muslims to be included in OBC quota and thereafter OBC quota be expanded beyond 27% thus robbing other Hindus.
On December 15, 2011 Rahul Gandhi said at Badaun that the UPA government would soon announce reservation for Muslims in government jobs. No wonder among Hindus Congress is also known as naukarichhinva patry.
On December 22, 2011 the Man Mohan Singh Government decided that 4.5% within the 27% OBC quota be reserved for minorities in central jobs and central educational institutions all over India with effect from January 1, 2012. Dainik Jagran of January 4, 2012 reported that with effect from January 1, 2012 this reservation of 4.5% shall also apply in the central public sector undertakings numbering about 249 employing about 15 lakh.
There are 15 IITs plus IIT BHU and Dhanbad which have about 9650 seats, and, under this 4.5% quota over 300 seats were taken away from reach of OBC Hindus.
On January 9, 2012 Salman Khurshid Law & Minority Affairs Minister announced at an election meeting that if Congress won the UP Assembly election sub quota for backward Muslims in UP would be increased to 9%. Defending his statement Khurshid said: “We promised reservation for Minorities in our UP manifesto of 2007 and in Loksabha manifesto of 2009. We fulfilled that promise as a Central Government and now can only reiterate our position for UP”. [HT January 12, 2012]
Samajwadi Party of Mulayam Singh Yadav in his UP election manifesto of 2012 has promised reservation to all repeat all Muslims in proportion to their population in UP i.e. 18%. So Mulayam Singh will reduce 18% employment opportunities of all Hindus including his own Hindu voters. Those Hindus who voted Mulayam Singh in 2012 UP election must carry responsibility for harming carreers of their own children.
On May 28, 2012 The Andhra Pradesh High Court bench of Chief Justice Madan B Lokur and Justice Sanjay Kumar struck down the office memorandum (OM) and resolution adopted by Man Mohan Singh Cabinet on December 22, 2011 providing 4.5% reservations in central jobs and central educational institutions to Muslims out of 27% OBC quota terming it as being unconstitutional.
Congress Party declared its intention to challenge this decision of AP High Court in Supreme Court by filing a SLP [Special Leave petition] showing its resolve to rob Hindu students. Who will be preparing this SLP? Salman Khurshid , a Muslim as Law Minister, Goolam. E. Vahanvati, a Muslim as Attorney General of India, Rohington F. Nariman, a minority as Solicitor General, Dr Man Mohan Singh, a Sikh as Prime Minister, Sonia Gandhi, a Christian as Chairperson of UPA, Ahmad Patel, a Muslim as Political advisor to Sonia Gandhi. So the team that challenged the 28 May 2012 AP High Court decision was dominated by religious minorities. Who will defend interests of Hindus in this legal battle within the Congress Government? Hindu voters must open their eyes.
Earlier the Andhra Pradesh High Court on February 8, 2010 had struck down a four per cent Muslim quota brought in 2005 by the State Government in provincial jobs & provincial educational institutions. This decision has been challenged by the Congress Government in the Supreme Court. The AP High Court had struck down thrice the 4% provincial quota for Muslims introduced by the provincial Government in provincial jobs & provincial colleges..
Reacting to the May 28, 2012 quashing by the AP High Court of the reservation of 4.5% sub-quota for Muslims, TDP President Chandrababu Naidu said the Centre should create exclusive quota for Muslims by bringing in a constitutional amendment.
The OBC Hindus who voted for the Congress Party and its allies in 2007 and 2009 elections are responsible for helping the Congress Party and its allies to reduce their own employment and educational opportunities.
If no Hindu gives his vote to Congress Party naturally the Congress Party shall not be able to reduce job opportunities of Hindus.
15. Let us examine how many jobs Hindus are going to lose in terms of Misra Report. Till now, SC Hindus are entitled to get 1,500 posts reserved for them out of every 10,000 posts in Government sector, OBC Hindus are entitled to 2,700 reserved posts and ST Hindus are entitled for 750 reserved posts.
The UPA Government is planning to reserve 15 per cent posts for minorities, and as Dr Manmohan Singh has publicly asserted in December 2006 that minorities have first claim over government resources so SC Hindus will get 15 per cent of remaining 8,500 posts i.e. 1,275 posts reserved for them, OBC Hindus [including OBC Muslims and Christians] will get 27 per cent of 8,500 i.e. 2,295 posts reserved for them and ST Hindus [including ST Christians] will get 7.5 per cent of 8,500 i.e. 630 posts. The upper castes Hindu candidates till now are eligible to compete for 5,050 posts out of every 10,000 posts but under Misra commission formula they can compete only for 4,310 seats.
So, all sections of Hindus will suffer if they vote for any anti-Hindu party.
16. In July 2011 Salman Khurshid, Minister for Minority Affairs declared that a sub-quota of 8.4% for socially & educationally backward minorities shall be carved out of 27% OBC quota. Out of this 8.4% six percent would be reserved for Muslim OBCs. It means all OBC Hindus will get size of their PE-3 space reduced at least by 8.4 per cent if Khurshid had his way.
17. Recommendation Para [16.2.7.] of the Misra Commission reads: “ As by the force of judicial decisions the minority intake in minority educational institutions has, in the interest of national integration, been restricted to about 50 percent, thus virtually earmarking the remaining 50 percent or so for the majority community – we strongly recommend that, by the same analogy and for the same purpose, at least 15 percent seats in all nonminority educational institutions should be earmarked by law for the minorities as follows:
(a) The break up within the recommended 15 percent earmarked seats in institutions shall be 10 percent for the Muslims and the remaining 5 percent for the other minorities.
(b) Minor adjustments inter se can be made in the 15 percent earmarked seats. In the case of non-availability of Muslim candidates to fill 10 percent earmarked seats, the remaining vacancies may be given to the other minorities if their members are available over and above their share of 5 percent; but in no case shall any seat within the recommended 15 percent go to the majority community .
Every Hindu should note the strong anti-Hindu bias against them in this para.
(c) As is the case with the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes at present, those minority community candidates who can compete with others and secure admission on their own merit shall not be included in these 15 percent earmarked seats.”
18. The Misra Commission has presumed that at least 50% seats in minority institutions goes to majority [Hindu] candidates. But it is not always true. In Kerala the Inter-Council Church which runs many colleges had been filling all the seats on their own disregarding the merit list of candidates prepared by the Government of Kerala.
19. As and when Para 16.2.7 is implemented, Hindu students with marks better than minority candidates may start getting admissions refused in government colleges and even in institutions managed by Hindu organizations. Till now Hindu students with marks better than a minority student are getting admissions refused only in minority run institutions.
If a minority candidate with marks or CV better than a Hindu candidate is denied admission or appointment in an institution managed by Hindus he can lodge complaint with a Minority Commission dominated & controlled by minorities. Congress Party is proposing to confer status of a Civil Court on Minority Commissions so that these commissions may force attendance of Hindus before them. But there is no such arrangement to look after grievances of Hindus.
20. At present out of every 10,000 professional seats in non-minority institutions OBC Hindu students get 2700 seats reserved for them, 1500 seats for SC Hindus and 750 for ST Hindus. After Misra report is implemented 1500 seats would first get reserved for minority students, 27 pc of remaining 8500 seats i.e. 2295 shall be available for OBCs, 15 pc of 8500 seats i.e.1275 seats for SC Hindus and 630 for ST Hindus. So mathematically speaking there shall be reduction of seats for all sections of Hindu students.
21. Hindu students with better marks are being denied admissions into nurseries, schools, colleges and universities run by minorities, whether aided out of taxes collected from we Hindus or unaided andHindu parents keep mum.
22. Hindus are generally under-represented in the staff of minority institutions, and, posts of principals etc. are generally reserved for non-Hindus.
Due to flawed interpretation of the Constitution the main benefits available to a minority educational institution that are not available to other institutions are that Minority educational institutions are not controlled by the Government in the matters of [1] appointment, [2] admission and [3] fee structure resulting into exploitation of Hindus by minorities. These institutions do not have to observe reservation in employment or admissions for SCs, STs and OBCs as required to be done by other educational institutions. In selection of teachers and principals the minority educational institution can have a selection committee which does not include the university representative. Similarly, while in ordinary schools the headmasters normally have to be appointed on the basis of seniority; minority managements can select a headmaster of their choice. In matters of admission of students, minority educational institutions can have a quota of 50 per cent to admit the students of their choice and overcharge Hindu students for admission under management quota.
Hindu candidates with better CVs are generally denied jobs in these institutions as minority candidates with minimum required qualifications are given jobs. Hindustan Times [July 10, 2008] and The Indian Express [July 18, 2008] reported that St. Stephen’s College, Delhi gives preference to Christian candidates in appointments. The Supreme Council of this college clarified that a Christian candidate who met the minimum qualifications shall be given preference over non-Christian candidates in matters of appointments.
Similar ill-treatment is handed down to Hindus all over India by all other minority institutions. Hindus have invited this ill treatment of their own by giving their votes to the Congress, the Communist parties and other anti-Hindu parties.
Citing a Supreme Court ruling, the Madras High Court has held that the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 was not applicable to unaided minority schools [Pioneer June 29, 2012].Under this Act at least 25% of seats has to be reserved for economically weaker sections. So Hindu students of weaker sections cannot get 25% reservation quota in unaided minority schools but minority students will get admission under 25% quota in institutions run by Hindus. Is it not second class treatment of young Hindus?
23. The minority institutions quote Supreme Court decisions to justify this second class treatment of all Hindus in matters of admission and employment. According to the Supreme Court Article 14 of the Constitution specifying equality of all citizens is not uniformly applicable everywhere and gets superseded by Article 30 within minority institutions. This is a flawed interpretation of the Constitution by the Supreme Court which must be overturned like the Shah Bano case but only through ballot boxes.
24. Articles 15 and 16 of the Constitution guarantee 15% reservations for SC Hindus and 7.5% reservations for ST Hindus but they are denied these rights in admissions as well as in employment in all minority institutions all over India.
This author is not opposed to reservations for SC, ST and OBC Hindus; rather he wants these reservations to be extended to minority institutions too. For rapid horizontal spread of benefits of reservations it is proposed that those who have got benefits of reservations their next generations should not get reservation facilities.
OBC Hindus have been given 27% reservations in academic institutions but the Man Mohan Singh Government has framed rules in such a way that OBC Hindus are denied this constitutionally guaranteed reservation in all minority institutions. The Central Educational Institutions [Reservation in Admissions] Act 2007 framed by the Man Mohan Singh Congress Government excludes minority educational institutions from the purview of OBC reservations in admissions.
The point is that as the Constitution is in force round the clock on every square inch of India so these reservations must be made available to SC, ST and OBC Hindus in all minority institutions all over India. The Congress Party with help of its like minded political parties has denied these rights of OBC, SC and ST Hindus.
On May 16, 2012 Kapil Sibal, HRD Minister moved the Central Educational Institutions [Reservation of Admission] Bill in the Parliament which in effect abolishes OBC reservations in a central institution if reservation of SC & ST was already 50% in that institution. This shows that in Congress regime OBC Hindus are at the third pedestal.
On June 25, 2012 a Delhi High Court division bench of Justice VK Jain and Justice Pratibha Rani said: "We are modifying the order dated 29 May 2012 to the extent that the appellant (colleges) shall give reservation in admission for the year 2012-2013 to SC/ST category, as per the norms of DU, but they will not be obliged to give reservation to OBC." accepting the contention of senior advocate KTS Tulsi that the four Colleges run by Sikhs were granted the status of minority institutions by the National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions(NCMEI). It is proposed to roll back such erroneous judgments through legislative measures.
Mamata Banerjee Chief Minister of West Bengal told a rally: “I want all the people of the minority community to get jobs but as our Constitution does not provide for reservations based on religion so we have added 37-38 more sub-groups into the 17 percent OBC quota for the Muslims bringing almost 90 percent of the whole community into the job reservation scheme.” [Pioneer May 18, 2012]. So OBC Hindus are being squeezed in jobs market by their own votes to Mamata Banerjee.
The Chief Minister also told that in one year’s time her Government had increased the number of Muslims getting stipends from 3 lakh to 17 lakh
24[B] The Supreme Court of India in its judgment of August 4, 2009 [Writ Petition 507 of 2006] has ruled that SC, ST and OBC persons from one state cannot automatically claim reservations in jobs and in educational institutions maintained by other state governments. It means a SC or ST or OBC person coming to Delhi say from Bihar or Assam or Kerala cannot claim a reserved seat in jobs or educational institutions funded and maintained by the NCR government of Delhi. But such restrictions will not apply if a minority from Assam or Bihar or Kerala applied under minority quota to jobs/institutions funded by Delhi government.
25. The National Commission for Scheduled Castes headed by Congressman favours giving ‘reserved’ status to Dalit converts to Christianity and Islam but does not want them to be included in the 15 per cent SC quota and wants to further reduce seats available to general class Hindus so as to create a new quota for Dalit converts. [Times of India, July 14, 2007]. So general category Hindus will get size of their cake further reduced if they continue to vote for any Jaichandi i.e. anti-Hindu party in any election.
26. Hindu students get student loans at higher interest rate of about 13.5% per annum [State Bank of India, July 2011] but minority students get student loan at 3% per annum from the National Minority Development & Finance Corporation under the Union Ministry of Finance. For confirmation and more details please visit
I propose to press the Government of India to refund in phases interests paid in excess of 2% per annum on student loans taken by all Hindu students and in order to create data base interested ones should register themselves on and . One time registration fees per student is Rs 100/. Reimbursement shall be on first come first served basis when we formed the government.
27 On August 27, 2009 the Man Mohan Singh government decided that any student whose parents’ income is below Rs 4.5 lakh per annum will get full interest subsidy on his loan for professional course during the course period. But after the course is over a Hindu student has to pay interest at same higher rate whereas a minority student will pay at 3%.
28. Hindu businessmen get loans from commercial banks to start a new business at 15% to 18% interest and have to arrange ‘margin money’ of 15% to 40% of project cost from private sources, balance comes from the bank.
But a minority has to put in only 5% of project cost as margin money from his private source, other 35% is given by the National Minority Development & Finance Corporation at 3% interest, and remaining 60% of finance is given by commercial banks at two percentage points less than general lending rate for Hindus. So even before starting a new business a Hindu is placed at economic disadvantage vis-à-vis minority businessmen by the Congress Party.
I propose to press the Government of India to refund in phases interests paid in excess of 6% per annum on commercial loans up to Rs 50 crore taken by a Hindu and in order to prepare the database interested Hindus may register on and . One time registration fees is Rs 1000/ per loan.
29. On March13, 2007 the then Finance Minister Chidambaram told the Rajya Sabha that the total priority sector loans to minorities had increased by 33 per cent to Rs 45,490 crores on March 31, 2006 as against Rs 34,654 crores when the UPA Government took office in May 2004. In a full page advertisement in the HT, February 18, 2010 the Ministry of Minority Affairs informed that Rs 2, 31,223 Crores was advanced by public sector banks to minorities under the priority sector lending during April 2007 to 31.12.2009.
Annual rate of growth of bank loans to minorities is much higher than growth rate of bank loans to Hindus. Why? Hindu voters of Congress Party owe a reply to this question.
In March 2012 while addressing the joint session of Parliament, Pratibha Patil President of India declared that UPA objective of allocating all bank loans to minorities at 15% of all loans has been nearly achieved.
30. On March 15, 2011 the Union Minority Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid told the Rajyasabha that during the XIth Five Year Plan [2007-12] Government would be spending Rs 7875 crores on various programmes and schemes exclusive for minorities against initial allocation of Rs 7000 crores.
11th Plan allocation was Multi-Sectoral Development programme [Rs 2750 Cr], Pre-Matric scholarship [1400 cr], Post Matric Scholarship [Rs1150 Cr], Merit cum means scholarship [Rs600 cr], Free coaching [Rs 45 cr], Maulana Azad EF [Rs 500 Cr] and National Minority Development and Finance Corp [Rs 550 Cr] totalling Rs 7000Cr.
On per capita basis allocation of funds for similar purposes to SC, ST and OBC Hindus have been peanuts. Taking OBC population at 54% of population, quantum of only Pre-Matric scholarship for OBC Hindu children should be more than Rs 5000 crore which is not the case..
31. What about further increasing accessibility of Hindus to bank loans, scholarships and special programmes. It is legitimate to ask if Congress Party has started any special development scheme for Hindu concentrated districts, if so, details thereof. If not, why not?
It is proposed to allocate at least Rs 100,000 crore per annum on Multi Sectoral development of Hindu concentration districts focused only on all poor Hindus.
32. Para 16.2.15 of the Misra Commission reads: “. We further recommend that a 15 percent share be earmarked for the minorities – with a break-up of 10 percent for the Muslims and 5 percent for the other minorities in all government schemes like Rural Employment Generation Programme, Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojna, Grameen Rozgar Yojna, etc”.
According to the Organiser the Planning Commission in May 2012 asked all the ministries to reserve 15 per cent of the central schemes for the minority-concentrated areas. It may be noted here that the UPA has identified nearly a hundred districts in the country as ‘minority’ areas. The Planning Commission directive is contained in the report of the Steering Committee on Empowerment of Minorities. This fifteen per cent is only the minimum and not a cap, the committee clarified. At a rough estimate, the government will have to earmark Rs 42,000 crore annually during the 12th five year plan for minority concentrated areas.
Sonia Gandhi’s NAC is the major prod for the government on minority issues, which constantly comunalise developmental issues. This means that only 75 per cent of the resources are available for 85 per cent of Indians.
In view of anti-Hindu policies adopted by Congress Governments the rate of decline in poverty per annum for the Muslims has been faster at 2.8 per cent between 1993-04 to 2009-10, as against 2.4 per cent for Hindus and SCs, and 2.1 per cent among STs. In rural areas decline in poverty of Muslims was much faster at 3.4 per cent, against 2.4 per cent for Hindus. The period between 2004-05 to 2009-10 was the most productive in terms of poverty alleviation for other religious minorities and Muslims. The poverty for other religious minorities and the Muslims has come down by 6.3 per cent and, 5.8 per cent respectively vis a vis 4.0 per cent and 5.1 per cent respectively for the Hindus and SCs and STs. These findings are revealed in a paper presented in a seminar at United Nations by Sukhdev Thorat , ex-Chairman University Grants Commission and Amaresh Dubey, based on the government data of the National Sample Survey Organisation compiled in the 3 rounds of survey conducted in 1993-94, 2003-04 and 2009-10. [Dr Bhagwati Prakash Sharma, Organiser July 15, 2012]
33. The UPA Government has directed that all minority students admitted to 70 top institutions of India like IIMs, IITs etc will get their total fees paid by the Government but Hindu students, whether leftist or Rightist, whether North Indian or south Indian, whether member of NSUI or SFI or ABVP have to pay their full fees.
I propose to give identical facilities to all Hindu students of the same 70 top institutions and those students who wish to seek reimbursement of fees paid by them should register on and and reimbursement shall be done on FCFS basis when a government supported by us takes over. One time registration fees is Rs 100/per student.
For general category Hindu students annual fees at IITs will be raised from Rs 50,000 to Rs 200,000 from 2013.
34. If a minority student decides to join any coaching centre to prepare for admission into colleges or Public service examinations or jobs in government and private sectors he gets total fees of coaching centre paid by the government but a Hindu student or his parent has to pay the fees of coaching centre. Details of various schemes may be seen at
In a full page advertisement in the Hindustan Times, February 18, 2010 the Ministry of Minority Affairs informed that Rs 20.75 crore was released for free coaching of 14,966 minority candidates during April 2006 to January1, 2011. During XIth Five Year Plan period Rs 54 crores were spent on free coaching of minority candidates.
Hindu candidates who incurred expenses on their coaching and similarly want to be reimbursed should register with BRM at above emails. One time registration fees is Rs 100/
35. Till January 2011, from class I to class X, 57 lakh minority students were awarded Pre-Matric scholarships whose parental income was less than Rs 1 lakh per annum, 10 lakh minority students from class XI to Ph.D. were awarded Post Matric scholarships whose parental income was less that Rs 2 lakh; and, 1, 18, 000 minority students in Graduate and PG level technical & professional courses were awarded Merit cum Means scholarship whose parental income was less than Rs 2.5 lakh per annum.
During the XI th Five year Plan Rs 2672 crore was distributed among minority students under above heads.
36. The question to be asked is whether all Hindu students whose parental income is below above limits are receiving scholarships? If not, why not?
37. It may come as total surprise to many Hindus that there are many posts under the Government which are paid out of taxes collected from we Hindus but a Hindu howsoever liberal, progressive or Marxist, he is legally debarred from holding such posts such as posts of the Chairman of National and provincial Minority Commissions, principals of St Stephan’s Delhi [and similar minority institutions running into thousands and thousands all over India] etc.
38. Section 4 of the National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions Act 2004 passed by the Man Mohan Singh Government stipulates that only persons from minority communities shall be eligible to be appointed as Chairman and members of this Commission. Hindus have been totally excluded from this Commission. It is like another Simon Commission of the British period.
39. Under Section 3 of the National Minority Commission Act, a Hindu cannot be its Chairman and at least five of its seven members including Chairman shall have to be from amongst the minority communities. This law was enacted by PV Narsimha Rao government.
40. Taking advantage of exclusion of Hindus from such bodies the NCMEI on petition filed by some Muslims decided that the Jamia Milia University which being a Central University was reserving 22.5% of all seats for SC & ST Hindus will no more give such reservations as in September 2010 it was declared a minority institution.
So with connivance of Shri Kapil Sibal, the HRD Minister who expanded scope of NCMEI to include universities SC & ST Hindu students lost hundreds of educational seats reserved for them till September 2010 in the Jamia Milia University. Ultimately Hindu voters of the Chandani Chowk parliamentary constituency are responsible for robbing Hindu students of reserved seats every year in Jamia Milia by electing Kapil sibal.
Hindustan Times of September 20, 2011 reported that the HRD Ministry headed by Kapil Sibal, Minister in an affidavit submitted in the Delhi High Court supported the minority status conferred on the Jamia Millia University by the National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions [NCMEI].
Now Congress Party is going to set up a number of Muslim minority Universities in India such as at Murshidabad, Kishenganj, Ajmer, Banglore, Mallapuram and Patna etc. where there shall be at least 50% seats reserved for Muslims alone and staff will be predominantly non-Hindu. Responsibility for ill treatment of Hindus in such minority institutions rests with those Hindu voters who vote for ‘secular’ parties or abstain from voting.
41. In pursuance of the 2004 Congress manifesto, on 10th March 2006, the Lok Sabha passed the National Commission for Minority Educational (Amendment) Bill according to which the provincial governments will have to give no objection certificate within 90 days of application for setting up an institution by religious minorities, or, else the government will have to specify reasons for refusal. The aggrieved party will have right to approach the Commission dominated by religious minorities which, in turn, will take a final decision in consultation with the State. However, if no reasons are given by a State government for not giving the NOC within 90 days, it would be deemed as the approval of the State
42. The Act also provides for the right of minority institutions to seek affiliation to any university of their choice listed in this Act. So, a Muslim or Christian institution in a far off place, say, Jhumari talaian in Bihar can demand affiliation to any named central university of its choice and its students will get degrees of that central university and, thus, will enjoy better marketability in the employment market than Hindus as a Hindu student of the same region will have degree of a provincial university having less marketability in the employment market. This is the penalty which a Hindu student has to pay for his parents’ votes to UPA parties.
43. To reduce percentage of Hindus and to increase the percentage of minorities in government sector the UPA government in January 2007 reiterated orders to include minority members in all Selection Boards and Departmental Promotion Committees. This circular instructs to give special considerations to minorities in all appointments, so danger bell is ringing loud and clear for all Hindu job seekers whether they are leftists or rightists, whether upper caste or lower castes that despite their better profiles they may not be selected.
44. The circular to induct religious minority members in Selection Boards was issued during Prime Ministership of Rajiv Gandhi vide OM No39016/6(s)/87-Estt(B) dated June 10, 1987 and during the Prime Ministership of Vishwanath Pratap Singh, another secular veteran vide OM 39016/6(S)89-Estt(B) dated 16th August 1990.
45. One may recall that Dr Man Mohan Singh, PM, while addressing the National Development Council on Dec 9, 2006 publicly instructed the civil servants, “We will have to devise innovative plans to ensure that minorities, particularly the Muslim minority, are empowered to share equitably in the fruits of development. They must have the first claim on resources”.
46. The Man Mohan Singh government has failed in tackling unemployment as Nav Bharat Times [July 11, 2011] reported that about 67.2 percent of youth are unemployed. According to a study by the Hewitt Associates, by 2020, India will have the largest number of educated but unemployed youth in the world.
It is estimated that about 4 crore youth are currently unemployed in India and that unemployment rate is about 10%.
The Ministry of Labour reports that labour force should go up from 520 million in 2009-10 to 574 million in 2014-15 requiring creation of 11 million jobs annually for full employment which is possible only if GDP growth rate is 9% and employment elasticity is 0.30 per cent.
GDP growth in 2011-12 was only 6.5% and only 5.3% during January-March 2012 quarter. As GDP growth rate falls below 9% many Hindu graduates would not get jobs firstly as pace of new job creation will slow down with slow down in GDP growth, and, secondly, armed with the Sachar and Rangnath Misra reports minorities will get jobs first.
47. Kanchan Gupta, a veteran journalist informs in the Sunday Pioneer [June 10, 2012] that the Union Government has written to the State Governments to ensure Muslim policemen are deployed in Muslim areas. Union Home Secretary RK Singh’s letter to Chief Secretaries instructs the latter to ensure “Muslim officers (are posted) in police stations in areas having high concentration of Muslim population”.
“This proposal destroys spirit of secularism & multi-cultarism. This proposal will further reduce comfort level of Hindus who live in Muslim majority localities and will widen gulf between Hindus & Muslims.
48. Congress Party and Communist Parties have been facilitating illegal infiltration of Bangladeshi Muslims into India who not only are a drain on our public distribution system but also add to cases of terrorism, theft and robberies in India. Some work as sleeper cells for Bangladesh based terrorist organization HUJI. Such infiltrators rob landless Hindu labours and Hindu maids of their jobs. Every year about 15 lakhs jobs are being snatched from poor sections of Hindus by Bangladeshi infiltrators. Further Bangladeshi Muslim infiltrators pick up Indian women by force or fraud as wives which create another problem.
So with votes of Hindus the Congress Party and other UPA parties are going to rob all educated Hindus of another 15% of new jobs through Sachar & Misra reports; and, have been robbing since 1971 unskilled Hindu workers of jobs by facilitating infiltration of Bangladeshi Muslims.
49. Thus to summarise, jaichandi Hindu politicians have treacherously created such a system in which a
minority is eligible to apply for each and every post paid by the State but not a Hindu. A minority gets
student loan and commercial loans at interest rates lower than a Hindu. In minority run institutions a Hindu is given step brotherly treatment in matters of admissions and employment but in government run and Hindu run institutions a minority candidate has to be treated at par with Hindus and to ensure that a minority is treated on par there are national and provincial minority commissions headed & dominated by minorities. In minority run institutions a Hindu student with marks better than a minority student is refused admission and a Hindu candidate with CV better than a minority candidate is refused appointment.
50. In a nutshell the Congress party is thus actually naukri-chchinawa party नौकरी छिनवा पार्टी robbing all Hindu youth of jobs and educational seats etc.
Hindus, who do not want to harm career prospects of their own or of their children and grandchildren must register themselves as voters, must cast their votes but never cast their votes in favour of any anti- Hindu party.
O Hindus! Please wake up, wake up from slumber.
Distinguish between your political friends and foes of your careers